Highlands Zone
Visible gold in an extensive vein system
The Highlands zone is located in the northwestern area of the Atsutla Gold project and entirely hosted within early Jurassic-age granite of the Christmas Creek batholith. The zone is comprised of an extensive, high-grade (>100 g/t Au) quartz vein system occurring within a 750m X 600m area with multiple coarse visible gold showings. The high-grade gold and silver veins are closely associated with a prominent gossan zone with numerous 20-50 cm thick quartz veins displaying arsenopyrite, pyrite, galena, and visible gold mineralization. Bedrock and proximal float samples have returned grades up to 630.04 g/t (18.38 oz/ton) Au and 1,894 g/t (55.25 oz/ton) Ag.
Approximately 2 km east of the Highlands zone, across the Christmas Creek valley, prospecting discovered additional high-grade quartz veins bearing many similarities to those found at the Highlands zone. Bedrock samples from galena-rich quartz veining returned assays up to 102 g/t Au and 524 g/t Ag. This area has been coined the Christmas Creek zone.
In 2022, a new area of gold mineralization was discovered 3.5 km northeast of Highlands termed the Snook zone. A previously identified prominent east-west trending fault (the Snook Fault) defines the southern boundary of the zone and cuts through Snook Lake. At least two generations of quartz veining were identified at the Snook zone. The earlier set comprises steeply dipping sheeted veins which are crosscut by later shallow-dipping veins. Sulphide mineralization consists of variable amounts of pyrite, bornite, chalcopyrite, galena, and arsenopyrite. Galena and arsenopyrite appear to be constrained to the later set of quartz veining. The veining occurs within granodiorite of the early Jurassic Christmas Creek Batholith. Highlights include:
- 3 g/t Au from a quartz vein boulder with galena-chalcopyrite mineralization;
- 55 g/t Au from an outcrop of sheeted quartz veins typically 5-10 cm wide with chalcopyrite-pyrite mineralization;
- 78 g/t Au from a quartz vein boulder with arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization south of the Snook Fault.
- Atsutla West Zone
- Highlands Zone
- Snook/Christmas Creek Zones

Trailbreaker Resources Ltd.
650 W Georgia St # 2110
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B 4N9